Thursday 7 April 2016

Marble Texture

As similar to the way I created the asteroid for my Gameplay and Interactivity texture design, I developed a texture on photoshop to resemble marble for my statue.

Below is an example found here.

Here is the one I made below in Photoshop.

As said earlier, I went from the texture I made with my asteroids on another project to make this Marble texture. Although I used white and grey colours instead. I firstly Rendered > Difference Clouds from the filter tab three times until I got that background. I duplicated the layer, then adjusted the levels of the new layer into the numbers shown below to lighten it. 

In the same layer, I changed it to overlay, and turned the layer below to 20% opacity.

On a third layer, I filled it with the Paint Bucket Tool with a lighter grey.

In the same third layer, I changed it to Linear Burn, and turned the 2nd layer's Hue/Saturation (which can be found in Image > Adjustments) by 80% in Lightness. And then turned that layer down to 60% of opacity. 

I then saved it as a jpeg and applied it to my statue. It was a fun and effective way to use texture!

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