Saturday, 16 April 2016

3D Statue Model - Final

Lastly, for my 3D Model Statue, I again used reference from my work before to help create this.

I made sure to also make duplicates in case anything went wrong.

Here, I made the "cape" cloth for the statue, by making a thin cylinder shape with many subdivisions applied to the height and caps.

I then made a small hole for the head for the statue to slip through, and added nCloth and Gravity (which can be found in the FX tools) to the circular cloth.

I also made sure to add the Passive Collider (which can also be found in the FX tools) to the rest of the body, so that the cloth would have a force to mould against. Once that was done, I animated the cloth to go over the statue, making sure it would sit right around it and flow naturally.

After all this, I applied the nessessary textures I made before and combined the pieces of the statue together. Using the UV Planar, again, to make sure the textures fit right on the model.

The texture I made in Photoshop for the cloth can be found below.

Here is the fully rendered version of my 3D Statue Model.

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